To donate an item from our wish list through Amazon.com, simply visit our wish list, select an item to purchase, and it will be automatically shipped to us! Please visit the Amazon Refuge Wish List today!

TOUR GUESTS: We appreciate donations of fresh kale, fresh collards, cabbages, carrots, paper towels, toilet paper and boxes of latex-free gloves.

Below are specific services and specialty items we are currently in need of. Please contact us if you are able to donate your time or any of these items. Thank you!

Specialty Items Needed

Tractor and attachments

Trucks, cars, vans


Electric Gators

Golf Carts

Needed Services

  • Printing (pamphlets, brochures and fliers)

  • Professional photography

  • Veterinary services

  • Carpentry and building

  • Welding

  • Tractor and bush-hogging

  • Vegan baking and cooking

  • Vegan catering