
Coconut was rescued from a farm in upstate New York that was operating as a backyard butcher facility. When the owner was shut down for extreme animal abuse, Farm Sanctuary and other rescue groups saved close to 200 farm animals who were starving, sick and terrified. Coconut and the rest of her flock came to Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge in the winter of 2015, where they continue to heal from years of cruelty. A few weeks after their rescue it was discovered that some of the sheep were pregnant. In March of 2016, Coconut gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Clover and the bond between mother and daughter is strong to this day. Coconut is easily to identify because one of her eyes is mostly blind due to an untreated pinkeye infection. Now that Coconut is home at the Refuge all of her needs, physical and emotional, will be tended to for the rest of her life.



